Volunteerism in Saskatchewan and the Impacts of COVID-19
The Saskatchewan Nonprofit Partnership (SNP) engaged InsightrixResearch Inc. to conduct a survey to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted volunteerism in Saskatchewan, and to determine motivations for and barriers to volunteering. The online survey was conducted in April 2022 with a sample size of 802 responses.
Saskatchewan Nonprofits & COVID-19:
Impact Summary Report We conducted a survey to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the operations and program delivery of nonprofit organizations in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan nonprofits and charities were invited to complete the survey between March 27 and April 3, 2020, and garnered 522 responses.
This report provides a summary of key survey results. A more detailed report with additional analysis of the survey will be completed in the upcoming weeks and posted to our website. |
Representing Volunteers in Saskatchewan:
Reflections from Volunteers In September 2019 we asked individuals across Saskatchewan to share their perspectives and experiences on volunteering. The survey results provide insights into the types of activities that volunteers are seeking, and how people like to volunteer. We hope this report will provide information that increases our understanding of volunteerism in Saskatchewan, and helps community organizations design opportunities that will engage individuals as volunteers.
A Profile of the Nonprofit Sector in Saskatchewan: An Overview
This report is the first in a series profiling the nonprofit sector and provides an overview of key characteristics of nonprofit organizations in the province of Saskatchewan. Additional reports will examine specific characteristics in greater detail.
Saskatchewan Social Enterprise Sector Survey 2015
The Saskatchewan Social Enterprise Sector Survey 2015 was the first profile of social enterprises in Saskatchewan. Social enterprises work in communities to achieve training, income, social, cultural, and environmental mission. They contribute to local economies and growth while striving to address social inequalities.